The audio book is now live!


Happy September!

This month is packed with mixed feelings as some of the kids (finally) went back to school, my first has flown the nest, and another is heading out in a few months.

So instead of five teenagers in the house, we are going down to three. Just three to feed. Just three to pop over to friends on the other side of town at inconvenient hours. Just three to sit at the edge of my bed and tell me about their adventures before they head off to their rooms to sleep…much later than me.

One of my teens produces music beats and was kind enough to produce the audio version of my book. I am happy to announce that the audio version of Memoirs of a False Messiah is now available on Audible, iTunes, and Amazon. You can hear a sample chapter on Soundcloud too.

Of course, it is also available on Amazon as a paperback and eBook.

I am thrilled that my book is being read, heard, shared, and enjoyed. Those of you who have written comments and reviews – you feed my soul! I am learning more each day about publishing and promotion. For example, I have author pages on Facebook and Goodreads – connect with me there too?

Thank you a million times for your interest and your support!

Here are some more great reading ideas for fans of women’s fiction – all these books are available FREE on Kindle Unlimited –

Happy reading!
Womens Fiction

Bringing Down the House

Memoirs of a False Messiah Book Launch

Book Launch at Home

What kind of party are you going to have?” a friend asked. It hadn’t occurred to me to make a party. But she was right. Publishing my first novel Memoirs of a False Messiah was definitely worth celebrating. So I ordered 50 author copies of my novel, set up an event page on Facebook, booked some catering, and bought lots to drink. I picked out a red dress that matched the dress my main character is wearing on the cover.

Launch day came. Anyone who honored me by coming received (if they wanted) a copy of the book with a personal inscription. I sat at the kitchen island and signed them like love letters in book after book.

Memoirs of a False Messiah Book Signing

My husband nudged me – it was time for me to say something. So I thanked everyone for coming and read chapter five, a  flashback of the main character’s childhood visit with her mother at the hospital psych ward – a chapter that was both touching and intriguing (I hoped) but did not contain any spoilers.

The crowd stood quietly as I read and clapped when I finished. I raised my eyes from my book and saw my five teenagers hovering. “We also want to say something,” the oldest said.  The two oldest spoke. They are both 18, finishing high school, and facing the firsts of many life-shaping decisions.

Publishing this novel has been a dream for over two decades. It was never the right time. I went back to school for a graduate degree. I juggled small children and working to support them. My husband fell ill, and I was his caregiver. After he died, I was a single mom to three children under six, living 6000 miles from my family back in the US. Absorbed with how to best care for my grief-stricken children, I established a charity that today supports over 600 young families coping with cancer or cancer loss in their families. I met Alon, who was widowed around the same time as me, with two kids the same ages as my oldest, and we merged our families. I was now mom to five. Dyslexia, ADHD, gymnastics, math lessons, drums. There was always someone or something that needed attention.

The kids grew – eating vast quantities along the way – into self-reliant, responsible teenagers. They needed me less. My evenings became my own again.

Meanwhile, at work, rumors were flying. The company was struggling. The CEO took the difficult decision to sell. I was out of a job, but my terms for leaving were good.  Finally, the time was right to publish my debut novel.

The teenagers stood in front of our friends and family and spoke about watching their mom make a dream come true. And that it inspired them.

Of course, that brought down the house. My novel, Memoirs of a False Messiah is a great read (I’m told…I hope you will read and enjoy it), and I am thrilled to death that it is finally in the public sphere. But the kids…my kids are awesome.

This article originally appeared as a guest post on

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Book tour and giveaway

Memoirs of a False Messiah
by Pamela Becker
Genre: Women’s Fiction
MiMi knows she is meant for something greater. She has a God-given
mission. This belief, together with tragedy, moves her from the
mixed-religion home of her early childhood to Orthodox Judaism in her
teens, to the establishment and development of her cult in the
Israeli desert. MiMi draws from the women in her life, in the Bible,
and in other ancient texts, weaving modern and biblical dilemmas, as
she shapes a truly unique place for her followers and herself. When
her life and utopian community grow more turbulent and even violent,
she questions her mission.
Deeply affecting and thought-provoking, Memoirs of a False Messiah is the
richly told story of a woman’s struggle to find her place in a world
reluctant to accept her.
Memoirs of a False Messiah is my debut novel.
Connect with me for updates on my writing, promotions and more.
Follow the tour HERE
for exclusive excerpts, guest posts and a giveaway!

Publishing Memoirs of a False Messiah

I am thrilled to publish my debut novel Memoirs of a False Messiah.

The ebook and paperback are available on Amazon and the audiobook is on Audible, Amazon and iTunes!

It’s been a long road to publishing my debut novel.  It started when I was 24 years old with a BA in creative writing, a couple of short stories published in literary magazines, and a hunger to write long fiction. Accepted into an artist residency program in southern Israel, I left my belongings in a storage facility outside of NYC and flew to Israel to focus on my writing without the pressures of earning a living. That lasted eight months. Once the book was written, the not-so-fun work started. Writing to agents. Getting rejected by agents. Getting accepted by an agent only to be rejected by her later. This was not the writing life I wanted.

The program ended and real-life with its real-life pressures seeped in. Still in Israel, I took a job. Then I started a Masters degree. Then I fell in love and we got married. We had kids. He got sick and I was his caretaker. He died and I was a widowed mom of young children. Writing fiction felt like a luxury I would never be able to afford again.

Years passed. The kids grew older. My career in high tech matured. I remarried. And then an unexpected window opened. The company where I was working was sold, and as I mentioned in a previous blog post, I was not part of the deal. I knew it would take time for me to find another job, and I had a small cushion so I could focus on reworking my novel and publish it. This was always the dream.

I have been working in marketing for over twenty years. While promoting a book is very different from marketing technology solutions to businesses, certain principles are the same…I think. I decided I preferred to spend my time learning to self-publish over shopping my book to agents or publishers. I hope I made the right call, and that is one of the topics I plan to write more about on this blog – my adventure with self-publishing.

And of course, I started writing the next novel…

I hope you will read and enjoy Memoirs of a False Messiah. Stay tuned. There is more coming.

You can add the book to your Goodreads shelf here.

Memoirs of a False Messiah

You can hear a sample chapter on SoundCloud: